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Three options for you to consider when confronted with a rusted container:
1. Scrap the Container
2. Cut out the steel bottom and weld in a new one
3. Slip in our Container Liner Kit and get the container back into service in 15 minutes
Container Liner Kit
The secret of extending the life of your conventional steel bottom containers is installing a liner kit from Technology Plastics. Our unique high impact plastic/rubber alloy liners are designed as a preventive maintenance option for the solid waste collection industry. Kits include our patented liner and "z-bars" for attachment. The kits are designed to add life to a steel bottom trash container that is beginning to rust out. As long as the original steel bottom is sound enough to carry the weight of the trash, the container can be salvaged by installing a liner kit in about 15 mintues.
Our kits are available to fit front, rear and side load containers, including EMCO containers.



Our container liner kits are not a 'band-aid'. A rusted commercial dumpster with our liner installed will outlast a new steel bottom container. Our plastic dumpster liners are highly resistant to damage from large heavy objects. For example we attached a 170 pound automatic transmission to a chain and dropped it from a height of six feet. The transmission did not break through the surface of the liner. Even in extremely low temperatures, the rubber content of our liners prevents them from becoming brittle.

Our extended life plastic container liners are also amazingly resistant to fire. This test was conducted using an acetylene torch to prove the fire resistant capabilities of our plastic/rubber alloy liners.


Copyright 2018 Technology Plastics, Inc.